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Snowbird Motorcycle Migration!

Snowbird Motorcycle Migration!

It is almost that time of year again- the great migration to the south. Snowbirds and Bikers are packing up our belongings and heading south for cooler temperatures come the end of summer. No body wants to deal with four feet of snow during the winter. If you are retired, then why not take advantage of better weather in the southern states? Of course, Florida is one of the most popular destinations. However, states like Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and Alabama are becoming more and more crowded with Snowbirds.

One of the coolest ways that Snowbirds migrate is one their motorcycles! They pack up their bikes and hit the road. Us older Snowbirds do move at a slower pace on the bike compared to other younger bikers. However, it is not any less fun! Us Snowbirds will turn our migration into a week long road trip. We can use our freedom to make detours and to see the sights along the way. We have no rush to get to the south sooner. Sweltering heat will persist until the end of September. We may as well take advantage of the crisp northern mornings.

For us Snowbirds who are heading south, packing might be an issue. There is not much room on the back of a bike! Unless you own property that has everything you already need, then you will require more room than the back of your bike! There are a few ways to fix this problem. For one, you can attach trailers to your bikes. You cannot fit too much in them, but they will help! Also, you can ship things down to your winter home via a moving company. Choose whichever option is the best and cheapest. If you will need a car, then consider filling it with things you need. Then, have the car shipped to your address. This will allow both of you to partake in a cross country adventure on your motorcycles. If none of these options will work for you, then pack up the car with everything. One of you can ride the bike while the other drives the car. Switch every few hours so that you both get the joy of the open road.

There are many ways for you to enjoy your migration to the south. Just because you are a Snowbirds does not mean you cannot live a little! Enjoy your trip, move at your own pace, and be safe!