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Conception of the Michigans State Bird & State Flower

Conception of the Michigans State Bird & State Flower

Michigan was the twenty-sixth state to be admitted to the United States; it became a state on January 26, 1837. The capitol of Michigan is Lansing, and the biggest city in the state is Detroit. It is the eleventh biggest state in the USA, and it is the eighth most popular state in the USA. Michigan is named after its great lakes because the Alonquian Chippewa Indian word for “big sea wate” is “meicigama.” The state song is called,”Michigan, My Michigan” and the state nickname is the “wolverine state.”

Michigan has four animals that represent the state. The state mammal is the white-tailed deer, the state reptile is the painted turtle, the state fish is the brook trout, and the state bird is the robin. The importance of the robin in Michigan and its border states is that it means spring will be coming shortly. At the beginning of March, the male robins come first, the female robins come several days later. The females will build up their nest, lay three or four eggs, and incubate the eggs for 11 to 14 days. The male’s job is to protect the female and her eggs from invaders.

In addition, Michigan has three plants that represent the state. The state wildflower is the dwarf lake iris, and the state tree is the white pine, and the state flower is the apple blossom. The importance of the apple blossom that can be found all over the countryside is that its a sign that spring is on the way. The flower has bright pink buds with a gold center; the background of the flower is white. Bees and other insects are particularly attracted to this flower; they carry the pollen gains from one flower to another.

Both the state bird and the state flower serve as a reminder that spring is coming when they are seen in March!